from fastai.text.all import *
from import Dataset
from reformer_fastai.reformer import LSHLM

Create dataset

Copied from synthetic task notebook. Consider adding to core.

class TwinSequence(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, sl=1024, len=100):
        assert sl%2 == 0 = sl
        self.len = len
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        seq = torch.randint(1,128,(,))             # w: [1-127] of len sl//2
        seq[0] = 0                                           # seq = 0w
        seq =,seq), -1)                       # seq = 0w0w
        target =[1:],torch.tensor([0])), -1)  # return offset target x:[0123], y:[1230]
        return (seq, target)                     
    def __len__(self):
        return self.len

class MaskTargCallback(Callback):
    def before_batch(self):
        self.y[:,] = -100

def masked_accuracy(inp, targ, ignore=-100):
    pred = inp.argmax(dim=-1)
    mask = targ[0] != ignore
    return (pred[:,mask] == targ[:,mask]).float().mean()

Long sequence modelling

Sequence length of 1024, similar what is used in the paper.

bs, sl = 32,1024
n_epochs = 5
train_sz = 50_000
valid_sz = 10_000
dls = DataLoaders.from_dsets(TwinSequence(sl, train_sz), TwinSequence(sl, valid_sz), bs=bs, shuffle=False, device='cuda')

Total training steps:


Our implementation - LSHLM

We set n_hashes to 1. The paper reach around 80% masked accuracy with this setup. Other hyperparameters aren't specified in the paper.

bucket_size = 64
assert sl % (bucket_size * 2) == 0
model = LSHLM(vocab_sz=128, d_model=256, n_layers=1, n_heads=4, max_seq_len=sl,
              bucket_size=bucket_size, n_hashes=n_hashes, causal=True)
learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_func=CrossEntropyLossFlat(ignore_index=-100), 
                metrics=masked_accuracy, cbs=[MaskTargCallback()])
learn.fit_one_cycle(n_epochs, 1e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss masked_accuracy time
0 4.835418 4.835315 0.009802 02:11
1 4.834976 4.834967 0.009811 02:11
2 4.834833 4.834830 0.009913 02:10
3 4.834765 4.834762 0.009814 02:08
4 4.834752 4.834729 0.009791 02:12
del learn

As expected per the paper results, the model struggles with learning the task.

Our implementation - Reformer LM

Let's try our ReformerLM

from reformer_fastai.reformer import ReformerLM as fastReformerLM
bucket_size = 64
assert sl % (bucket_size * 2) == 0
model = fastReformerLM(128, 256, d_ff=256, n_layers=1, n_heads=4, max_seq_len=sl,attn_dropout=0,
                   ff_dropout=0, bucket_size=bucket_size, n_hashes=n_hashes, causal=True)
learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_func=CrossEntropyLossFlat(ignore_index=-100), 
                metrics=masked_accuracy, cbs=[MaskTargCallback()])
learn.fit_one_cycle(n_epochs, 1e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss masked_accuracy time
0 4.839448 4.838953 0.009965 02:35
1 4.838668 4.837892 0.009768 02:40
2 4.836806 4.836470 0.009905 02:37
3 4.835473 4.835377 0.009865 02:39
4 4.835098 4.835018 0.009851 02:37
del learn

Similar performance as LSHLM.

Lucidrains implementation - Reformer LM

from reformer_pytorch import ReformerLM
bucket_size = 64
assert sl % (bucket_size * 2) == 0
model = ReformerLM(num_tokens=128, dim=256, depth=1, max_seq_len = sl, heads=4, bucket_size=bucket_size, 
          n_hashes=n_hashes, causal=True)
learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_func=CrossEntropyLossFlat(ignore_index=-100), 
                metrics=masked_accuracy, cbs=[MaskTargCallback()])
learn.fit_one_cycle(n_epochs, 1e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss masked_accuracy time
0 4.837056 4.837096 0.009853 04:41
1 4.835596 4.835464 0.009837 04:46
2 4.835036 4.835006 0.009834 04:44
3 4.834813 4.834811 0.009827 04:44
4 4.834746 4.834740 0.009795 04:38
del learn

This implementation has similar performance to our LSHLM