model performance as function of number of hashing rounds

Experiment Tracking

Make sure you have wandb and are logged in:

Load Experiment Tracking with Weights & Biases:

import wandb

WANDB_NAME = 'test_n_hashes_enwik8'
NOTES = 'LSHLM on enwik8 sl 4096'
TAGS = ['lm','lsh','enwik8', 'test']

Download and Unpack enwik8 Data

Download and unzip enwik8 data

path = untar_data('', dest='/data')

Prepare Data

df = pd.DataFrame({'text':read_lines(path)})
0 <mediawiki xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="0.3" xml:lang="en">\n
1 <siteinfo>\n
2 <sitename>Wikipedia</sitename>\n
3 <base></base>\n
4 <generator>MediaWiki 1.6alpha</generator>\n
btt = ByteTextTokenizer(is_lm=True, add_bos=False, add_eos=False)
df['toks'] = df['text'].apply(btt)
df['lens'] = df['toks'].apply(len)
df['lens_cum_sum'] = df.lens.cumsum()
CPU times: user 1min 56s, sys: 2.56 s, total: 1min 58s
Wall time: 1min 55s
train_cutoff = df.lens.sum() - 10_000_000  # keep all but 10M characters for val and test
train_idxs = df.loc[df['lens_cum_sum'] < train_cutoff].index.values
train_idxs = list(range(0, max(train_idxs)))

remaining_idxs = len(df) - max(train_idxs)
validation_idxs = list(range(max(train_idxs), max(train_idxs) + int(remaining_idxs/2)))
test_idxs = list(range(max(validation_idxs), len(df)))

splits = [train_idxs, validation_idxs]
tfms = [attrgetter("text"), btt]
dsets = Datasets(df, [tfms], splits=splits, dl_type=LMDataLoader)
bs, sl = 4, 4096
# pad_seq2seq = partial(pad_input, pad_idx=bte.pad_token_id, pad_fields=[0,1])
dl_kwargs = [{'lens':df['lens'].values[train_idxs]},
dls = dsets.dataloaders(bs=bs, seq_len=sl, dl_kwargs=dl_kwargs, shuffle_train=True, n_workers=2)
CPU times: user 28.5 s, sys: 2.43 s, total: 30.9 s
Wall time: 36.4 s
text text_
0 *[[Shot (film)|Shot]]\n* [[Computer network]]\n== Grammar ==\nThe 46 city divisions are combined into 16 area districts or ''[[Ortsbezirke]]'', which each have a district committee and chairperson.\n*The [[Kennedy School of Government|John F. Kennedy School of Government]] (1936)\n*[[swallow]]\n\n\n[[ro:Alfred Nobel]]\nPerhaps the most notorious incident of these centuries was the massacre of Christians in [[1860]], when fighting between [[Druze]] and [[Maronites]] in [[Mount Lebanon]] spilled over into the city. Some thousands of Christians were killed, with many more being saved through the intervention of the Algerian exile [[Abd al-Qadir]] and his soldiers, who brought them to safety in Abd al-Qadir's residence and the citadel. The Christian quarter of the old city, including a number of churches, was burnt down. The Christian inhabitants of the notoriously poor and refractory Midan district outside the walls were, however, protected by their Muslim neighbours.\n\n <comment>/* Marriage */</comment>\n[[br:Albert Speer]]\n* [[Transportation in Luxembourg|Luxembourg]] &amp;mdash; yes\n[[fr:Alaric II]]\nThe [[Shot (film)|Shot]]\n* [[Computer network]]\n== Grammar ==\nThe 46 city divisions are combined into 16 area districts or ''[[Ortsbezirke]]'', which each have a district committee and chairperson.\n*The [[Kennedy School of Government|John F. Kennedy School of Government]] (1936)\n*[[swallow]]\n\n\n[[ro:Alfred Nobel]]\nPerhaps the most notorious incident of these centuries was the massacre of Christians in [[1860]], when fighting between [[Druze]] and [[Maronites]] in [[Mount Lebanon]] spilled over into the city. Some thousands of Christians were killed, with many more being saved through the intervention of the Algerian exile [[Abd al-Qadir]] and his soldiers, who brought them to safety in Abd al-Qadir's residence and the citadel. The Christian quarter of the old city, including a number of churches, was burnt down. The Christian inhabitants of the notoriously poor and refractory Midan district outside the walls were, however, protected by their Muslim neighbours.\n\n <comment>/* Marriage */</comment>\n[[br:Albert Speer]]\n* [[Transportation in Luxembourg|Luxembourg]] &amp;mdash; yes\n[[fr:Alaric II]]\nThe
1 ca's revolt.\n== W ==\n\n[[Image:Stairs_of_Finnish_Parliament.jpg|thumb|[[Finnish Parliament]] House in [[Helsinki]]]]\n[[Category:Christian music]]\n| 1986&amp;ndash;1996 || Frank Shrontz \n*[[Kleemann]]\n <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[March 1]]</text>\n[[fr:Bataille de Blenheim]]\nBDC&lt;br&gt;\n </contributor>\n[[es:Congreso Nacional Africano]]\n*''[[Blackmail (1929 film)|Blackmail]]'' (1929), the first British [[talkie]]\n{{expand list}}\n# [[Diapason (movie)|Diapason]] (Italy, 2001) [ (IMDb entry)]\n <minor />\n\n[[Image:Ethnic Composition of BiH in 2005.GIF|thumb|150px|right|Ethnic composition of Bosnia &amp; Herzegovina in 2005. &lt;br&gt; '''Green:''' Predominantly ethnic Bosniaks &lt;br&gt; '''Red:''' Predominantly ethnic Serbs &lt;br&gt; '''Blue:''' Predominantly ethnic Croats]]\n | url =;Sect2=HITOFF&amp;u=%2Fnetahtml%2Fsearch-adv.htm&amp;r=0&amp;p=1&amp;f=S&amp;l=50&amp;Query=an%2F%22Cessna+Aircraft+Company%22&amp;d=ptxt\n\n* [[Panama Canal]]\n*[ Heath Robinson online exhibition]\n\n* Doyle, J. &amp; Carlson, J. M. (2000) ''Phys. Rev. Lett.'' '''84,''' 5656–5659.\n <page>\n\n[[lt:Žemynai]]\n{{coor dm|15|00|N|86|30|W|type:country}}\n <revision>\n***[[Newberry Caldera]] ([[Oregon]], US)\nThe programme makers emphasised that it was to be about 'everyday life' in the inner city 'today' and regard it as a 'slice of life'. Creator/ producer Julia Smith declared that 'we don't make life, we reflect a's revolt.\n== W ==\n\n[[Image:Stairs_of_Finnish_Parliament.jpg|thumb|[[Finnish Parliament]] House in [[Helsinki]]]]\n[[Category:Christian music]]\n| 1986&amp;ndash;1996 || Frank Shrontz \n*[[Kleemann]]\n <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[March 1]]</text>\n[[fr:Bataille de Blenheim]]\nBDC&lt;br&gt;\n </contributor>\n[[es:Congreso Nacional Africano]]\n*''[[Blackmail (1929 film)|Blackmail]]'' (1929), the first British [[talkie]]\n{{expand list}}\n# [[Diapason (movie)|Diapason]] (Italy, 2001) [ (IMDb entry)]\n <minor />\n\n[[Image:Ethnic Composition of BiH in 2005.GIF|thumb|150px|right|Ethnic composition of Bosnia &amp; Herzegovina in 2005. &lt;br&gt; '''Green:''' Predominantly ethnic Bosniaks &lt;br&gt; '''Red:''' Predominantly ethnic Serbs &lt;br&gt; '''Blue:''' Predominantly ethnic Croats]]\n | url =;Sect2=HITOFF&amp;u=%2Fnetahtml%2Fsearch-adv.htm&amp;r=0&amp;p=1&amp;f=S&amp;l=50&amp;Query=an%2F%22Cessna+Aircraft+Company%22&amp;d=ptxt\n\n* [[Panama Canal]]\n*[ Heath Robinson online exhibition]\n\n* Doyle, J. &amp; Carlson, J. M. (2000) ''Phys. Rev. Lett.'' '''84,''' 5656–5659.\n <page>\n\n[[lt:Žemynai]]\n{{coor dm|15|00|N|86|30|W|type:country}}\n <revision>\n***[[Newberry Caldera]] ([[Oregon]], US)\nThe programme makers emphasised that it was to be about 'everyday life' in the inner city 'today' and regard it as a 'slice of life'. Creator/ producer Julia Smith declared that 'we don't make life, we reflect
vocab_sz = btt.vocab_size
xb, yb = dls.one_batch()
xb.shape, yb.shape
((4, 4096), (4, 4096))


wandb.init(reinit=True, project="reformer-fastai", entity="fastai_community", 
           name=WANDB_NAME, group=GROUP, notes=NOTES, tags=TAGS, config=CONFIG)
config = NHashesConfig(n_hashes=2)
learn = Learner(dls, LSHLM.from_config(config),
                loss_func=CrossEntropyLossFlat(), opt_func=adafactor,
                cbs = [GradientAccumulation(n_acc=8), GradientClip(1.0),
                metrics=[accuracy, perplexity, bpc]).to_fp16(), cbs=WandbCallback(log_model=False, log_preds=False))
0.00% [0/1 00:00<00:00]
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy perplexity bpc time

42.28% [2323/5494 29:55<40:50 1.9139]
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy perplexity bpc time
0 1.703077 1.629281 0.525945 5.100204 2.350555 1:12:49